What is Rapid
Antigen Testing?
Rapid antigen testing is a screening tool to help detect COVID-19 in people without any symptoms of COVID-19.
Rapid antigen testing involves a nasal swab (using a small cotton bud) that is placed into a chemical solution. The result displays within 15 minutes.
Benefits of Rapid Antigen Testing
Rapid antigen tests have been used internationally and in Australian industries for some time to screen employees for COVID-19 with no symptoms.
Rapid antigen tests can be performed easily and onsite with results available within minutes.

Who can access Rapid Antigen Testing?
Individuals, employers, industries, schools, hospitals, aged care facilities and government agencies can implement rapid antigen testing for self-testing or testing of their staff or may engage a third party provider to manage this process.
Further details are available here https://www.tga.gov.au/sites/default/files/consumer-fact-sheet-rapid-antigen-self-tests.pdf
Who covers the
cost of rapid
antigen testing?
Rapid antigen testing is screening tool that many businesses are already using to support business continuity.
Businesses and individuals are responsible for procuring their own test kits, in line with the TGA requirements, and are expected to cover the cost of implementing testing on site.
Rapid antigen testing is not covered under the Commonwealth’s Medicare Benefits Scheme.
How often should
rapid antigen
testing occur?
Testing every 72 hours (2-3 times per week) is recommended as a minimum for full time employees.
Daily testing is the gold standard, as this will help to identify positive cases early and avoid transmission on site. However, daily testing may not be practical for workplaces. This will be a matter for each business to determine based on their risk assessment and COVID-safe work plans in place.